Landscape Design Services: Paving Stone PatiosWalkways & DrivewaysRetaining WallsWater Features & Koi PondsFire PitsArmour StoneJewel StonePlanting
Our landscape design experts understand that landscaping means more than simply creating complimentary architecture. Landscaping is about creating areas that people can actually live in and enjoy and that’s why at Empire City Landscape & Maintenance, we place all of our focus on the quality of our materials, creative planting themes, clean lines and most importantly, the people who will use these areas.
Landscape Design & Construction
By following a structured design process that is centered on your vision, we help you rest easy, knowing that your needs come first. Whether you are looking for an extensive landscaping construction overhaul or would like routine service to maintain your landscape’s aesthetic appeal, our mission is to present you with a landscape that lasts for a lifetime of beauty. Using only the highest quality materials, combined with years of experience, you can trust that when you work with Empire City Landscape and maintenance, you are working with a team of highly reputable professionals who love what they do.
Our Design Process:
1. Design consultation with you, the client.
Here is where we get to know you and discuss ideas for your yard. We will go over everything from your landscape checklist to plant preference, colors and overall flow of the landscape.
2. Set landscape budget.
Money is never easy to discuss, especially with contractors but we find the only way to come up with a landscape plan that best fits your needs is when we have some idea of what you want to spend on your yard. We have profound respect for our clients in this department and always strive to come in under budget and provide a great experience for all.
3. Design and presentation.
After we have completed the design drawings we will put together a folder including the drawings, scope of work, plant lists and reference pictures of all plants or anticipated features such as the type of paving stones, walls or water feature style. Any changes you require or feedback is welcome!
We can provide the following landscape design & construction services:
• Paving Stone Patios
• Walkways & Driveways
• Retaining Walls
• Water Features & Koi Ponds
• Fire Pits
• Armour Stone
• Jewel Stone
• Planting
and more...